The company was initially established as a General Order Supplier, IT Solutions Provider & Printers in the year 2012.
Then extended its scope of work to Travels & Tours/Hajj and Umra Consultant as a business partner with Unique Aviation (Pvt) Ltd in the year 2014. In late 2016 company extended its services to provide HR Solutions with the assistance of HR experts to lead the creation and conveyance of high quality and cost-effective HR Services, empowering our Clients to focus on their Essential Business. Presently it has extended its services to provide Immigration / Settelement Services along with Student Advisory by shaking hands with LydenLaw – Australia, with this arrangement New Solutions is Appointed as Pakistan Migration Agent under Supervision of Mr. Mark of LydenLaw – Australia. In simple words, our business is people. We serve both neighbourhood and multinational organizations, who comprehends that people are the most imperative resources and they count on us to amplify their human resource speculation.